Monday, November 2, 2015


Q & A - Some common questions and answers about Night of the Fallen

Where is Night of the Fallen set? Night of the Fallen is set in the fictional town of Lajeunesse. It’s south-west of Baton Rouge and south-east of Lafayette.

Is this a zombie book? There are no zombies in this book. (Yes, I was asked that question. Perhaps because it has the words “Night of”??)

How is this book different? Night of the Fallen is broken into two books. One is set in 1978 and is mainly Detective Henry Manchac’s story, the mystery from his perspective. He’s a detective, so it is a detective story. The second half is Eve’s story in 1991, fifteen years later, and it’s told in her voice.

Why the 70s? I love the seventies and the detective shows and movies from that era (and yes, I remember them...) There is greater room for error and inconveniences in the days before computers and cell-phones.
More than that, sometimes a story just sets itself how it’s meant to be set. 1978 is when the story started, and it’s as simple as that.

Is this a mystery? There is a mystery! Mostly, however, it is a suspense/thriller. This isn’t a “Whodunit”. The “bad guys” may be easy to spot, but the question is what and why?  

Have more questions? Ask away in the comment section!

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